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天天讯息:Writer comments on essay topic of Jiangsu gaokao

2023-06-10 18:02:44   ourjiangsu.com


East China"s Jiangsu Province released its essay topic for this year"s national college entrance exam—or gaokao—on Wednesday, namely, "Stories are powerful".

Writer Qi Zhi praised the topic for being thoughtful, positive, and favorable for self-expression. Students should elaborate on the impact and significance of good stories, and make it clear what the "power" is.

Qi says that the beginning of an essay is crucial to getting a high score. Students should get right to the point and build a relationship between the question and themselves. In addition, only reasoning and narrative are not enough; details and expression are the scoring points.

As soon as the topic came out, many people tried to use AI to generate essays. After reading one of them, Qi Zhi said that the essay was an ordinary one, generally reasonable, but has distortion in the argument and an empty end. "If I were a grader, I would give it a passing grade, not a high mark," said Qi.




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