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Jiangsu promotes regional coordinated development to narrow north-south gap

2023-08-17 16:13:07   ourjiangsu.com


East China’s Jiangsu province has made every effort to promote regional coordinated development and narrow the development gap between north Jiangsu and south Jiangsu, according to a press conference held by the provincial information office Wednesday morning.

Officials from the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Provincial Department of Transportation, Provincial Department of Water Resources, Suzhou City, and Xuzhou City briefed the media on the achievements made in promoting regional coordinated development and the plan for future work.

In recent years, Jiangsu has achieved positive results in promoting south-north coordinated development by making every effort to focus on General Secretary Xi Jinping"s requirements that demands Jiangsu to promote regional complementarity and cross-Yangtze River integration, boost north-south development, and continuously improve policy measures for regional coordinated development.

In 2022, Jiangsu recorded a per capita GDP ratio of 1.93 between southern and northern Jiangsu, with a per capita income ratio of 1.85, making it one of the provinces with the smallest regional disparities in China.

Jiangsu has made every effort to implement the country’s major regional strategies, achieved new results in promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. At the same time, it has advanced the construction of the "1+3" key functional areas to a higher level, increased the efforts of north-south pairing-up assistance and cooperation, promoted the construction of the new urbanization drive, and continuously enhanced the competitiveness of urban clusters and metropolitan areas.

In the next step, Jiangsu will accelerate the construction of "one center, one base, and one hub", vigorously promote the development of the marine economy, strive to create 10 marine industry specialty parks and 20 marine innovation platforms, deepen the cooperation in north-south pairing-up industry assistance, further promote the construction of the new urbanization drive, promote local development, and make greater efforts to promote regional coordinated development throughout the province.

“Jiangsu will further support the differentiated development of various regions, accelerate the construction of the Jiangsu section of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt and the Old Yellow River Economic Corridor to help people get rich, support Changzhou, Yancheng and Taizhou in their respective efforts to build into a city of new energy, a demonstration zone of green and low-carbon development, and a city of health industry, study and formulate a high-quality coordinated development plan for the Huaihai Economic Zone, explore the green and low-carbon development path of the Lixia River region, and provide a new driving force for regional coordinated development”, Gao Qing, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said.




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