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WND to construct multifunctional skyscraper factories_全球头条

2023-06-20 18:57:57   wndonline.cn


Dongyu Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, a multifunctional industrial park located in Wuxi New District (WND), is currently under construction.

A rendering of the Dongyu Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park. [Photo/WeChat account: xinwu_wx]

Multifunctional industrial parks that build factories in buildings have spanned multiple phases of development in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

Drawing inspiration from Shenzhen"s success, the Dongyu park will probably cater to emerging industries that feature lightweight equipment, low-noise, and environmentally friendly operations. In addition to the factories, the park will house shopping malls, dormitories, scenic corridors, running tracks, and rooftop sports fields.

Building factories in the structures demands higher floor height and larger weight capacity for floors and elevators. But this hasn"t been a problem for Dongyu Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park. With the floor height reaching up to 9.3 meters and the floor load at 2 tons, most manufacturing facilities will be able to operate in the buildings.

To meet the demands for goods conveyance, lifting platforms and large windows are installed on each floor. The louver windows can be quickly turned into lifting windows with a maximum width of 6 meters, and at both ends of the structures, there is a cargo elevator that can carry up to 3 tons.

Dongyu Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park is a pioneering attempt in land use by the WND. It not only develops the high-end manufacturing industry, but also has the additional benefit of attracting high-end talents to the district.




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